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I've described my faith life as like one of those funnel gadgets, being raised in the extremely narrow end of fundamentalism, then moving into the gradually widening scope of the evangelical, through orthodox Reformed theology, and now probably more progressive. My journey is bringing me to become more human, more incarnated and more a citizen of the Kindom of God in the world God loves.

Monday, August 19, 2019

That New Thing God Does (Pentecost 10C)

The Rev. Dr. Rebecca L. Kiser
Aug 18, 2019     Pentecost 10C   Isaiah 43:18-20 

With our young people here from VBS, and with the pictures and songs and energy, its a good day to preach about God saying, “I am about to do a new thing - now it springs forth - do you not perceive it???”  We’re here with the physical reminders that life is renewed, moves forward, is made new in these young people.  They are coming of age in an era different from ours, especially those of us in the 2nd half of life. People are still people, of course, and the laws of nature are still the laws of nature - however, however, their generation faces things that we didn’t, and perhaps don’t comprehend.  AND - As God is still working and speaking in the present NOW, God will guide them.  

The VBS group made a fingerprint tree for me, and presented it during the day of the program about change, as I’ve made a big change in the last few weeks.  There are SO MANY details to take care of in a move! First, I made a trip up here to find a place to live. Then I went back to my former house to finish packing up - lots of work!  Then the movers came to load my things in a truck and carry them here, where they unloaded them to the middle of the floors! Lots of boxes everywhere! Whew! Then I had to find where the grocery stores are, get my TV & wifi  turned on, put my bed together and help my kitty adjust to a new house, too. This week, now that I have the proofs that I need, I can change my drivers license and car registration. Next its finding doctors and a good vet, meeting other area pastors, and so on.

Moving takes a lot of energy- physical energy as well as mental and emotional energy.  
I’m fortunate in that I enjoy being in new places and meeting new people.  I’ve always liked moving, even when I’m sad at leaving at the same time. I find it exciting to be in a new place, meet new people, and start new friendships.  The scenery here looks SO different from where I was near the beach - the land is more hilly here, and the soil isn’t sandy. And its not as hot and humid here, thank goodness!  
Of course, I liked South Carolina, too. I had lots of friends there, and I really do love the ocean.  They do lots of things the same there as here, especially in church, because people are people everywhere.  Some churches were doing the same VBS - ROAR - as we just did! So young people in SC were singing the same songs and doing the same crafts as we did!  Probably young people all over the country know the same songs. I had fun in South Carolina; I had my favorite stores, my favorite doctor, and a nice place to live.  Now I like it here, and I’ve already met some cool new people! I was sad for a while that I was leaving SC...yet at the same time, I was excited about coming here, too.  Both at the same time.
Changes happen, and we find ourselves in new places, and in new situations.  Our VBS buddies helped us remember that, when life is sad, GOD IS GOOD! When life is scary, GOD IS GOOD! When life has changes, GOD IS GOOD!  And finally, when life is good, GOD IS GOOD!  

You know, I’m not the only person who has made changes lately.  Our church here has had a big change, too - Pastor Mark retired from being the preacher here, and I came to be the Interim Pastor. So everybody at church who were SO USED to hearing Pastor Mark preach the sermon, or answer the phone or visit them in the hospital - they are getting used to the change of having me do all that!  Church is “kind of” the same - I mean, we are having VBS like usual, and we have Sunday worship like usual, and we’ll have Thanksgiving and Christmas like usual - the change is that it will be me preaching and doing things. That’s different. But what did we learn at VBS about when things change???? GOD IS GOOD!!! And if people are sad and miss Pastor Mark, GOD IS GOOD!!!

Let me read our passage from Isaiah the prophet again -  its short - 
Isaiah 43:18-20   Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old.  I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?   I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people… 

Now, God doesn’t mean that we’re to forget what’s happened before.  In fact, in other places, God says to remember how God did great things, and helped the people who came before us - remembering those things helps us know how God loves us and what great things God CAN do.  Remembering helps us have courage, because God has been so good before.  
HOWEVER, this passage reminds us that God moves along with us in the present, NOW.  God didn’t just help people back then, God helps people NOW! God wasn’t just good back there, God is good NOW.  That’s what God means when it says, “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old.” Its n ot that we don’t remember the past - its “Don’t get stuck thinking its all over!”  “Don’t get stuck thinking all the good things happened back then!” “Don’t get stuck being sad, although its okay to be sad for a while.” God is good NOW.  
God was good to us when Pastor Mark was here - and God is good to us now, too. And God will be good to us tomorrow, and next month, and next year, too.  We will be fine, because God is good.
What the prophet Isaiah hears God saying is that we need to watch for the new things God is doing in this new time.  It hits me that this might be the message to us adults who are in our 2nd half of life - sometimes we can get stuck remembering how things used to be, because we have lived a lot of years, and have a lot of memories.  We need to be reminded that the present and future still hold promise of God’s goodness. God is always in the present - God might be as old as the whole world, but God is also as new as the newest baby, and the children in VBS, and the young people who helped lead things, and the new parents of those babies.  Maybe God’s words about remembering God’s past goodness are what younger folks need to hear, because mostly they’re looking forward in anticipation. And us older folks, who have lots of past, need to be reminded that there is also have a future.   
We live right between them, in the PRESENT, and this is also where God is working.

Friends, this is good news.  It doesn’t in any way negate or belittle the past, it just reminds us that God is still with us where we are now.  
On a personal level for our Jamesville community, as we begin to look to our present and our future, we’re not taking anything away from how great the past years have been, or how much love was shared, or how much community was built, or how many friendships deepened.  
The good news is that God is here in this new situation; God didn’t stay in the past - God is always in the NOW.  
God says, through the prophet Isaiah, that we need to be looking around to see the new things God is doing, and look for the new ways God is working.  God is always bringing along new leadership to respond to new situations, for example - I never heard of climate changes and global warming when I was younger.  I did hear about pollution back then, but its an ever-growing issue now. God is also working in these next generations to address our welcome of all people, to further bring down racial barriers and increase understanding. We made some progress in the 60s & 70s, and there’s still much to do.   I also trust God is inspiring God’s followers to address the recent surge in hate crimes and hate speech. God is STILL seeking to be known by all people; for people to find forgiveness and restoration in faith, and to grow in wisdom. God is the source of salvation for humanity, and the source of wisdom for us to live together and in harmony with all creation.  God is the cure we need, and thankfully, God is here and caring.

   Isaiah tells of God’s call for us to do our own inner work, so we can perceive where God is, and join God there.  Young and older together, let us keep our eyes open to see God in the NOW. AMEN.

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